Saturday, 24 April 2010

Saturday's Boot Loot

What another glorious day especially for car booting.  I had the luxury of setting off early on my own today - last week my grand-daughter came with me and Oh how I got sidetracked!

Today I wandered round with my trusty shopping trolley and took time to browse properly and here are some pics of today's booty looty

Some lovely fabric remnants .... as if I needed any more!

An old dolly's drop side cot

These wonderful old books date from the 1940s to the 1970s .... when I have some more time I will scan some more of the illustrations.

These two pretty country garden scenes which I thought were prints but on closer inspection when I got home they are oils under glass ..... question is now shall I leave the frames as they are or give them a coat of paint ??   mmmm

Some retro 1960s Poole Pottery ..... this is Twintone in Seagull and Peach  .... there are some odd cups, saucers and plates too

A Royal Albert bone china cup from the 1950s Empress Range .... saucerless but so elegant

Total spend = £15.00


  1. The Royal Albert cup is just lovely..x

  2. That little dolls cot is so cute, my mum would absolutely love it. Am hoping to nip out to my local one in fenstanton tomorrow this weather is perfect for rummaging isn't it. xx

  3. Lovely fabric and the cup is gorgeous.

  4. wow love it all, well done !!
    Twiggy x

  5. What a great treasure hunter you are! SueXX

  6. Wot a lot you got!!!! Love the cup and the fabric remnants. :O)

  7. Some excellent finds. The picture frames are very similar to the one I found the other day. Mine picture isn't oils though.

    I purposedly stayed away from the car boot yesterday even though DS1 was helping at it. Thought I ought to put my energies into the garden instead!

  8. The fabric and the little pictures are lovely. Some really good finds.
    Jak x

  9. Such fantastic finds - I love them all, especially the fabric.
    Hope you're having a good Monday -


  10. oh deep joy! What a wonderful haul . . . I DARE not go to car boot sales, I have no more room left in the house!

  11. That cot is lovely, you must show us how it looks when you have made it up with bedding.
    You have found some really good bargains there, love all the books very much.
